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Welcome to MaCon!

MANSOOR CONCRETE BLOCK INDUSTRY LLC (MaCon) is a Dubai Municipality registered concrete block manufacturing company having its office & factory situated at Jebel Ali industrial area No.1, Dubai - Abu Dhabi road.
99% Quality
95% Availability
95% Design And Build
90% Special Projects

Since its formation MaCon has been striving from strength to strength. Very early since our establishment in the year of 1999 we realized the importance of team work and have ensured that all key positions are held by well qualified and experienced personnel.

Though we established in the year of 1999, we have more than 20 years of experience in this field as an organized management group functioning in Dubai. With such a team in place and with product line and service that compliment each other, MaCon has led the way, often pioneering new methods to suit the ever expanding and highly competitive Dubai market.

Our extremely streamlined operation wings enable us to deliver our products on time to the discerning customers. A fleet of crane mounted trucks enable speedy delivery to ensure an all round time efficient delivery system.

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